
I am currently the Lead Software Developer at a startup called Touchcode working with web development and printed mobile engagement technology. Tasked with creating all types of customer experiences from quick sales demos to dashboards, I learned to be flexible in my approach to solving problems. The demos built with Gulp, Babel, and Bootstrap and deployed on Azure, try.tc utilized CSS animations which promote a seamless connection from the physical to the digital. I have also worked to develop a secure analytics dashboards built in React and Redux which showcases engagement data for our customers in meaningful ways. Having to both manage a remote development team while engaging the sale and marketing teams to meet customer requirements, I am continually developing strong communication skills which focus on distilling actionable items.

On the lighthearted end I try to make novel experiences with new and dated technologies which call attention to our relationships to these often cold objects. I recently utilized an Amazon Alexa and a Google Home, to created an installation during my Pioneer Works Tech Residency. The two A.I.s interacted with each other through custom made skills which focused on existential questions. They were installed at Pioneer Works for Second Sunday. Another example is, during my time at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program I developed an iOS app called Shakie designed to bring the joy back to taking selfies.